The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education in collaboration with American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) offered two 90-minute webinars about preparing proposals for the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. Please note that a new solicitation has just been released, NSF 21-578
Track 1: Scholarships and Stipends, Track 2: Teaching Fellowships
Track 3: Master Teaching Fellowships, and Capacity Building (proposers who intend to develop a future Track 1-3 proposal)
General Information About and Resources for Preparing Proposals for the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
Who May Submit Proposals?
For proposals centered on Capacity Building and Tracks 1-3: Applicants can include universities and 2- or 4-year colleges (including community colleges, tribal colleges and other minority-serving institutions) accredited in, and having a campus located in the United States, or U.S. nonprofit entities that have established consortia among such institutions of higher education.
For Track 4 Noyce Research proposals: In addition to institutions of higher education, professional societies and similar organizations that are directly associated with educational or research activities may submit proposals.
Who May Serve as PI?
The PI/co-PI team must include at least one faculty member from a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics department in an institution of higher education and at least one education faculty member in an institution of higher education.
The submission date for all 2021 proposals for the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program is August 31, 2021.
NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program solicitation 21-578. Please note that this is a new solicitation.
NSF Proposal and Awards Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) NSF 20-1. Includes instructions on items such as required biosketches, required Data Management Plan, IRB approval, allowable budget items, and so on.